April 6, 2018
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- Africa
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- Greece
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- News
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- Stories
- Switzerland
- Technology
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- Theme Parks
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- Traveling
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- Utah
- Virginia
- Wyoming
- All
- 17 mile drive
- 4 mile trail
- 46ers
- 49ers
- 9/11
- 904
- acropolis
- actor
- adevnture
- adirondack mountains
- adventure
- Africa
- Aiguille Verte
- aioli
- air show
- air-boat
- airbnb
- airfare
- airhelp
- airline
- airport
- Alabama
- Alaska
- albany
- alcatraz
- alcohol
- Ale
- ale trail
- All night diner
- alligator
- alps
- altrails
- alum cave
- amelia island
- america
- american
- ami
- ana maria island
- ancient
- android
- anexiety
- angel island
- angels landing
- angies subs
- animal kingdom
- Antartica
- antelope canyon
- arch of constantine
- Arches
- Arizona
- arlington
- armada
- art
- at&t park
- athens
- athens guide
- athens tour guide
- atlanta
- Atlantic Ocean
- atomium
- attraction
- attractions
- australia
- backcountry
- backpacking
- bacon
- bacon wrapped
- bahia honda
- Balanced rock
- bar
- barney lake
- Barrel Rested Saison
- bars
- baseball
- basilica
- Bay
- bay area
- beach
- bear
- Bear Lake
- beef balls
- beer
- belgian
- Belgium
- bellagio
- beutahful
- beverly hills
- big dog's brewing
- big hole
- big sur
- big talbot island
- big ticket
- bike
- bike ride
- bikes
- biking
- Bison
- bixby bridge
- bixby creek bridge
- black cat les
- Black sheep
- blackjack
- blue angels
- blue fish
- boardwalk
- boat
- bold bean
- bold been
- bold city
- booking
- boots
- booze
- bourbon
- bow tie
- breakfast
- brewery
- brews
- bridge
- bronx
- Brussels
- Bryce Canyon
- bucaneers
- budget
- budget travel
- buffalo
- burger
- busch gardens
- byron glacier
- cabin
- cable car
- cafe du monde
- cajun
- cali
- Californi
- california
- camoing
- camp
- camp fire
- camping
- Canada
- candlestick
- cantillon
- canyon
- Canyonlands
- cape of good hope
- Cape Town
- capes
- Capital
- Capital Reef
- capitol
- car
- Carolina
- cars
- cascade canyon
- casino
- cathedral
- cavatelli
- cave
- cave diving
- cave tours
- cavern
- central park
- Chamonix
- charlie's bunion
- chattahoochee
- Chattahoochee National Forest
- cheap
- cheap. no frills
- cheese
- chelsea
- chelsea market
- cherry blossom
- chik-fil-a
- chikfila
- Chimney Tops
- china town
- chinese
- citymapper
- clark county
- cliff
- cliff jumping
- cliffs
- climbing
- Cloudland
- clubs
- coast
- cochom
- cocktail
- cocoa beach
- cod
- coffee
- cold
- college
- Colorado
- Colosseum
- cook
- coopers landing
- coral
- coral reef
- couch surfing
- courthouse
- courtyard brewing
- crampon
- crampons
- creek
- culture
- dailys place
- dantes view
- DC
- death valley
- Delicate arch
- delirium
- denali
- desert
- determination
- deviled eggs
- devils garden
- diagon alley
- dim sum
- discover
- disney
- disney springs
- district of columbia
- Dj
- dock
- dolphins
- donuts
- Double Arch
- doughnuts
- downtown
- downtown the landing
- dramamine
- dream destinations
- drink
- du midi
- duck lake
- duck pass
- duck valley
- dumplings
- duval street
- eat
- echo canyon
- economy
- egg
- eggs benedict
- el capitan
- el charro loco
- elephants
- engine 15
- epcot
- europe
- everbank field
- everglades
- exit glacier
- explore
- faith and flower
- fall
- falls
- family
- farmers marker
- fast food
- father
- Fern Lake
- fernandina beach
- ferry
- festival
- fidi
- fire
- first coast
- fisherman's wharf
- five guys
- fjordnotn
- fjords
- Flight
- flightaware
- flights
- florida
- Florida bay
- florida guide
- florida springs
- flurries
- flying
- food
- foor
- fort zachary taylor
- fountain
- Four Mile Trail
- franschhoek
- freedom
- freemont
- french
- frenck truck
- friend
- friends
- fries
- fsu
- fuku burger
- fushion
- gamble
- gambling
- gatlinburg
- georgia
- georgia state park
- georgia's seven wonders
- german
- get lost
- geysers
- Ghana
- giants
- ginger
- ginger ale
- ginger chews
- giraffe
- glacier
- Glacier des Rognons
- glacier point
- gold rush
- golden arches
- golden gate
- golden gate bridge
- google maps
- google translate
- gorge
- governor
- graffiti
- grand canyon of yellowstone
- Grand Teton
- grand teton national park
- grand viewpoint
- Grands Montets
- granite
- great eastern
- great eastern restaurant
- great lakes
- great smokey mountains
- Great Smoky mountain
- Great Smoky Mountains
- greece
- green beans
- green room
- greenwich village
- grindelwald
- guide to yellowstone
- gum wall
- half dome
- Half dome. granite
- Hallett Peak
- hammock
- harding icefield
- Harrah
- hawkers
- heat
- hemingway
- hidden beach
- highway 1
- hike
- hike outdoors
- hikers
- hiking
- hiking tips
- hiking. sevierville
- hills
- hippo
- history
- hitlist
- hogsmeade
- holiday
- hollywood
- hollywood hills
- hollywood sign
- hollywood studios
- homesharing
- hoodoo
- hoover dam
- hosts
- hot springs
- hotel
- hotels
- hurricane
- I-10 IPA
- ice
- ice axe
- Iceberg
- icemen
- idaho
- Imperial
- in n out burger
- in-n-out
- independence
- intuition
- intuition brewing
- Inyo National Forest
- ipa
- iphone
- isabell hot springs
- island
- island time
- islands
- islands of adventure
- italy
- jackson
- jackson square
- jacksonville
- jaguars
- Jamestown
- january
- Jefferson memorial
- john muir
- july 4th
- jumbo shrimp
- jungfrau
- kaibab
- kanarraville
- Karijini
- kayak
- kenai
- kenai fjords
- kennedy space center
- kerry park
- key
- key largo
- key lime pie
- key west
- Keys
- king street stout
- korean
- kriek
- Kruger National Park
- L’Argentiére Glacier
- la
- la jolla
- la live
- la salle
- laguna beach
- lake
- Lake Fontana
- lake skelton
- lake superior
- lake tahoe
- lambic
- landscape arch
- las vegas
- legoland
- library of congress
- lightning
- lion
- little grand cranyon
- little talbot island
- local
- lombard
- lombard street
- long beach
- los angeles
- los tacos
- lost
- Lost Cove Trail
- lost world adventure
- Louisiana
- lower east side
- lower yosemite falls
- lyft
- magic
- magic kingdom
- Maine
- malibu
- mallory square
- mammoth brewing
- Mammoth Lakes
- mammoth valley
- mangrove tree
- manhattan
- manneken pis
- maple street
- Mardi Gras
- marriott
- May
- mcdonalds
- memorial
- mesa arch
- metro
- metro diner
- metropolitan museum
- miami
- michigan
- midtown
- Migros
- mile 0
- military
- milkshake
- miso cream
- mission beach
- mist trail
- Moab
- mobile apps
- money
- monkey rock
- monterrey
- monument
- monuments
- moon
- moose
- moovit
- mosquitoes
- motivation
- mount baldy
- mount healy
- mount leconte
- mountain
- mountain climbing
- mountaineer
- mountaineering
- mountains
- mt. marcy
- muir woods
- muir. monterrey
- museum
- music
- nabesna
- NAS jax
- national lakeshore
- national mall
- national park
- national park week
- national parks
- natural history museum
- nature
- navajo
- navy
- nest key
- nevada
- New Mexico
- new orleans
- new year
- new years
- new years eve
- new york
- new york city
- new zealand
- newfound gap
- nightlife
- nordlys
- Norfolk
- north carolina
- north dome
- northern lights
- Norway
- norweigian
- nps
- nyc
- oakland
- observation point
- ocean
- offseason
- old faithful
- old post office
- old rag mountain
- olympic
- Oregon
- orlando
- orlando eye
- outdoors
- oysters
- paarl
- pacific
- pacific coast
- pacific coast highway
- paddle
- paddle boarding
- page
- paintbrush canyon
- painted ladies
- Pale Ale
- palm tree
- panorama trail
- pantheon
- park
- pasadena
- pasta
- pch
- penguin
- pentagon
- Peoples Pale
- Perth
- Pikes Peak
- pikes place
- pioneer square
- plane
- planes
- plantation
- players championship
- poes tavern
- point reyes
- poker
- pork
- pork belly
- portage
- president
- prime adventure
- primitive trail
- prison
- providence
- pub
- publix
- puget sound
- punctuality
- purple lake
- rabun county
- rainbow
- rainier
- range
- ranger
- rattlesnake
- red rock canyon
- redwood
- reef
- relax
- remote
- reno
- rentals
- resorts
- restaurant
- review
- revolution
- rhino
- ri ra irish pub
- Richmond
- ritz
- river
- River City
- riverside
- road
- road trip
- roadtrip
- robbithole
- rock
- rockefeller
- Rockies
- rocks
- Rocky Mountain National Park
- Rocky Mountains
- rodeo drive
- roman forum
- rome
- roosevelt island
- rose bowl
- ruins
- safari
- saints
- Saison
- salmonroad trip
- san diego
- san francisco
- san luis obispo
- san pietro
- sand
- sand harbor
- Santa Barbara
- schatz bakery
- seafood
- seahawks
- seals
- seattle
- secret
- security
- senja
- sequoia
- seward
- sharks
- shenandoah
- shenandoah national park
- show
- shrimp
- shrimp festival
- Shuckstack Fire Tower
- shuttle
- sierra
- sierra nevada
- Sierra Nevada Mountains
- siesta
- siesta key
- Sistine chapel
- ski
- sky
- skyline
- skyscrapers
- slavery
- slaw
- sledding
- sliding rock
- slot
- slot canyon
- smartphones
- smokeys
- smokies
- snakes
- snorkel
- snorkeling
- snow
- snowboarding
- snowfall
- snowpost-holing
- socal
- soho
- South Africa
- south florida
- southern
- southernmost
- space needle
- spanish steps
- sports
- Spring
- spring break
- st. george
- stadium
- staples center
- starbucks
- state park
- state parks
- state route 1
- state route one
- staten island
- statue of liberty
- steak
- stellenbosch
- stone mountain
- Stout
- stratosphere
- stream
- subway
- summer
- sun
- sunset
- sunset cliffs
- Sunset point
- sup
- superdome
- susnset point
- swamp
- swim
- swimming
- swiss
- switzerland
- Table Mountain
- taco
- taco lu
- tacos
- tacos el gordo
- tahoe
- tallulah falls
- tallulah gorge
- tampa
- tartare
- tempura
- tenaya brewery
- tennessee
- tent
- tetons
- texas
- The city
- the cloisters
- the district
- the met
- the narrows
- the strip
- them park
- theme parks
- thermal activity
- things to do in florida
- thors hammer
- tickets
- tidal basin
- times square
- Togo
- tortilla
- tour guide
- tourism
- tourist
- trail
- trail hiking
- trailhead
- trails
- tram
- travel
- travel anexiety
- travel app
- trees
- trevi fountain
- trip
- trolley
- Tromoso
- twisted doughnut
- uber
- ucf
- umami burger
- Underdark
- united states highway 101
- universal orlando
- Universal Studios
- us highway 101
- usa
- utah
- valley
- Vatican
- Vegas
- Vernal
- vernal falls
- view
- views
- viking lodge
- village
- vineyard
- Virgin River
- virginia
- virginia hiking
- vista
- volcano
- volunteer
- Waffles
- waitomo glowworm caves
- walk of fame
- walls
- walt disney world
- wander
- wanderu
- warehouse
- warner brothers
- Washington
- washington DC
- washington dc food
- washington dc monuments
- washington dc museums
- washington dc tours
- washington heights
- water
- water park
- waterfall
- waves
- ways to save
- waze
- weekend
- weeping rock
- what to do in athens
- White house
- whiteface mountain
- wicked barley
- wild dog
- wilderness
- wildlife
- wilhelmina
- Williamsburg
- window seat
- wine
- winery
- winter
- winter ski tours
- wizarding world of harry potter
- world trade center
- Wrangell
- wrangell-st elias
- wyoming
- yaktrax
- yankees
- Yellowstone
- yelp
- Yorktown
- yosemite
- yosemite falls
- yosemite lodge
- yosemite national park
- yosemite valley
- Yost Lake
- zermatt
- zion
- zion national park
- zoo
August 19, 2017
James went from barely being able to move to summiting over 75 Colorado mountains in a quest in perseverance and finding himself.
June 10, 2017
A story of exploring Rocky Mountain National Park's Hallett Peak when storms change the course of plans.